Friday, November 7, 2014

Active learning. Week 3 of MITx 11.132x Design and Development of Educational Technology MOOC

By Ramón Talavera Franco
To read week 1 click here      To read week 2 click here      To read week 4 click here      To read weeks 5 and 6 click here

So far we have explored some educational terminology along the course: constructivism, constructionism, deep learning, and active learning, and our assignments, course activities and intervention in the forums are designed to explore such terminology. To do so, this week we’ve had the opportunity to learn from diverse educational software such as Geniverse, StarLogo Nova, and other simulation platforms that either are included in the course by professor Klopfer or are being added by our peers in the course wikki organized by topics. So far, students have submitted over 30 simulation platforms links that open vast opportunities to practice the main topic of the week: active learning.

The exploration of the above mentioned simulation platforms is breathtaking; however, it is difficult for me to explore them all or spend the time that I would love to spend learning all of them due to my other daily-life activities such as job, my doctoral program assignments and lectures, my crazy decision to register in MIT 11.126x Introduction to Game Design (great course!), and my family. I’m mentioning this because sometimes similar factors like mine might impact the academic performance of MOOC student.

To finish this week’s post, I wanted to share with you two experiences. The first one is that I had a Google hangout with one of my peers who lives in Sri Lanka.  For her final assignment she is exploring how to create small study groups within MOOCs to maximize active learning. We contacted each other from the forums and decided to share our views about MOOC. It was a great experience talking to her and share our passion and different perspectives about how MOOCs might improve and increase students’ active learning. What most impressed me from my colleague is that she agreed to contact me at 1:00 pm (Boston time), while for her was 1:00 am in Sri Lanka!!!! On my defense, I didn’t know where she live when we decided to have a Google hangout. It was until we started our conversation that I realized where she lives and her time zone. It was a great experience! I’m very grateful for the time we shared together and for the nice conversation.

The second topic that I want to address is this week’s assignment. We had to record an elevator pitch about our final project. In my most recent courses in my doctoral program, I’ve been exploring the need to provide cultural relevant information to Non-Latino K-12 teachers who work with Latino students. Therefore, I decided to take advantage of my research on that topic and continue exploring the same topic here. The opportunity that this course gives me to share my project through a video is an important exercise for me. So I decided to share it with you with the hope to hear some feedback. You can send me your feedback in the comment link at the bottom of this post. See you next week!

Here is the link to the elevator pitch

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