Tuesday, November 29, 2016

1M+ Mexican students registered in Coursera

In October 15, Giovanni Dubois, Head of Iberoamerica Partnership at Coursera, along with Dr. Francisco Cervantes UNAM Open and Distance Education Coordinator and other professors and students who are involved in MOOCs at UNAM talked about perspectives, realities and expectations of the Coursera in Mexico.

In the following video, Mr. Dubois shares an update about Coursera and how students from Mexico and UNAM are taking advantage of MOOCs (the video is in Spanish but you can read a summary in English below).

Coursera’s Vision
We envision a world where anyone, anywhere can transform their life by accessing the world’s best learning experience.

Coursera Goals

· To reach 300M+ professionals registered in LinkedIn

· To reach 1.4 billion High School graduates with Internet access

· To expand partnerships with educational institutions to increase courses in Spanish

· To link students’ professional needs with high quality courses

· To improve assessments

· To add students’ learned skills in their profile in order to increase visibility for recruiters

· To improve students’ ability to take notes directly in the platform

· To send weekly reminders to students to help them focus on their learning objectives, and progress

# of Students (Globally)

· Every month Coursera receives 500 K new students (globally)

· By October 2016, Coursera has registered 22 million students around the world

· 75% 18-35 years old

· 40% women

· 70% high school completed

· 90% have a job (or have their own company)

· 4 million students from Iberoamerica. The top two countries are:

     § Mexico 1 M+

     § Brazil 1 M+

Other Iberoamerican countries with significant number of students:

     § Spain

     § Colombia

     § Argentina

     § Peru

Coursera data

· Students has registered to 4 million courses

· 17 K years of video watched

· 1800 courses from 146 universities around the world

College and high school students’ motivations:

· Use Coursera as a new kind of textbook

· Lifelong learners

· To get a better job

In Mexico, 65% of students use Coursera:

a) To learn new skills

b) To move ahead in their careers

Completion Rate

In the last 12 months, Coursera has been able to increase 4 times the course completion rate due to different changes in their platform.

Coursera # of courses

· From 114 to 1600+ courses in one year and a half (2014-2016)

· Over 200 courses in Spanish in over 146 universities (44 from UNAM)

Specialization program

· It is a series of 3 to 9 courses that require a final project at the end.

· The final project can be added to the student’s portfolio to showcase to potential employers

· 150+ specialized courses.

· UNAM offers 6 specializations

Survey: What has been the benefit to finish a course in coursera?

(Results of a survey from University of Washington and University of Pensylvania.

Check part of the report here)

· 55K students participated globally (5K from Mexico)

· 46% students (globally) obtained a certificate in 2016 in comparision with 30% in 2015.

· 94% Mexican students said that they received tangible or untangible benefits in their professional lives, such as:

     Þ increasing their income,

     Þ finding a new job,

     Þ 43% said they started their own company

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